SR&ED Consulting

Scientific Research and Experimental Development Program


The SR&ED (Scientific Research and Experimental Development) program is a tax incentive or refund program administrated by Canadian Government in order to support corporations or individuals that conduct technology based-business in Canada.

The SR&ED program is intended to encourage businesses of all sizes, particularly small to medium and start-up firms, to conduct research and development (R&D) that will lead to new, improved, or technologically advanced products, processes, devices, and materials. The Canadian SR&ED tax incentive is the government’s largest single support program for R&D. Canada has one of the more generous R&D programs among OECD countries.Each year the SR&ED program provides over $4 billion in investment tax credits (ITCs) to over 18,000 claimants. Of these, about 75% are small businesses.

Many small business companies (CCPCs) in which their income less than $500,000 obtain the most advantage. These companies receive a refund approximately up to 65% of salaries such as below:

  • 20% forequipment/device
  • 40% for contract payment or lease
  • 65% for employee salaries


Nonetheless, many clients misunderstand that SR&ED program is only for high-tech industry. That’s not true. Thankfully SR&ED program is created to support any industry with technical improvement. Even a cooking, a shop or a laboratory is eligible for SR&ED program. Many people don’t know they are qualified for these capital returns to them. Here is your SR&ED return. Get ready!


Our SR&ED Consultants:

In fact, we are proud of our 100% SR&ED success rate. Our SR&ED team is collaborated with scientists, engineers, business consultants, and accountants to assist our clients in order to maximize their technology based government refunds.

In addition, there is no financial risk. If you do not receive SR&ED refund, and then our service cost you nothing.


For more detail: please click here and summit your assessment.